End Game competes in BattleBots, an American produced robot combat television series.
Competitors design and operate remote-controlled armed and armored machines designed to fight in an arena combat elimination tournament.
BattleBots is distributed through broadcasters with coverage in more than 150 countries, where robotic combat fans across the globe can enjoy the world’s largest, and only professional, robot fighting sport on their TV screens. You can see the very best robots from across the globe competing against the world’s strongest in some truly amazing battles.

Matches are three minutes long. During a match, two robots do their best to destroy or disable each other using whatever means available.
If a robot is unable to move for ten seconds, because it is too badly damaged or it is stuck in some manner (e.g. ensnared in an arena-trap), it is declared knocked out.
If both robots survive the three minutes, three judges distribute a total of 45 points (15 points a judge, 5 points per judge per category) over three categories. The robot with the higher score wins. The judging categories are Aggression, Strategy, and Damage.
The BattleBox is a 48′ x 48′ square arena designed to protect the drivers, officials, and audience from flying debris and charging bots. It has a steel floor and steel-framed walls and roof paneled with thick, bulletproof polycarbonate plastic.

The teams bring their robots in through doorways, which are sealed after all humans have exited. The drivers control their machines from outside the sealed arena.
Arena booby-traps are intended to make fights more interesting and unpredictable and to reward drivers who can avoid the traps while pushing or carrying their opponent into them.